How to Make Kefir Cheese

Originally posted on 31 July 2016

Kefir. I can't get enough of the stuff! If you ask me, milk kefir is the most useful and versatile ferment to keep around. And making cheese with it is among my very favorite uses. By employing slightly different methods, we can make kefir cheeses with textures similar to those of ricotta, cream cheese and feta. The flavor is delightfully tangy, and generally more delicious than people expect. While the reception to a kefir tasting is often mixed, I have yet to get a negative review of kefir cheese. Even kefir that's been hanging too long makes a surprisingly palatable cheese!


Here we have this poor, neglected batch of kefir. "I'm so sad; I've separated into curds and whey! Whatever will you do with me?" I'll be honest, in this heat, at least half my kefir ends up here. It just brews so fast! I'm only one woman. Fortunately, separated kefir is perfect for cheesemaking (which is not to say you can't make cheese from kefir that hasn't separated. You certainly can! It will just need to strain for longer.)

1. Do not stir it up, just dump contents of your kefir brewing jar into strainer, as usual.


2. If using separated kefir, there will be a big "sploosh!" as the whey rushes through the strainer. Put this whey aside and replace an empty bowl under the strainer full of curds and grains.

3. Using a rubber spatula, squeegee kefir curds through the strainer. Just keep moving them around and pressing them against the strainer until all thats left in the strainer are your kefir grains. It will take a minute or two.

4. Set aside kefir grains for your next batch of kefir. Place strained kefir curds in a colander lined with cheesecloth. Twist the corners of the cloth together to protect from bugs & detritus. Set aside to drain for 12-24 hours.


5. Unwrap, salt to taste and refrigerate.


Want a crumbly, feta-like cheese? After step 4, place a weight on top of the cheese bundle and strain for an additional 24 hours.

Want something smooth & cream cheese-esque? Replace ¼ - ½ of the milk in your kefir brew with cream and cheese it before the kefir separates.

What do you think of kefir? Do you have any tips to for making it? Comment below, and share your insights and thoughts!


Healthy Pancakes Fermented with Kefir


Making Milk Kefir